Sass and the City

Praise for the RoC Retinol Correxion Sensitive Night Cream

RoC Retinol Correxion Sensitive Night Cream

Photo via

I’ve always considered my aunt an excellent source for skincare advice because her skin is incredibly flawless. Seriously, everyone tells her that she looks like a 30-something year-old when she’s actually 52. She’s been nagging me to try retinol on my skin, but I’ve been hesitant because of all the other products I use. I’m very measured and prudent when it comes to my skin, but did want to give it a whirl at one point because of its tested and true benefits. Retinol fights wrinkles, lightens hyper pigmentation, moisturizes skin, and brightens skin.

After thoroughly researching retinol products (their benefits and varying strength levels), I finally decided to give it a try! Because I only wanted medium strength retinol (I have sensitive skin, have never used it before and am using other products that could possibly react negatively), I chose the RoC Retinol Correxion Sensitive Night Cream. I read all about it on a bunch of different magazine sites and asked my aunt about her experience with it. Let me just say, I’m very pleased with my choice!

It’s no wonder that this night cream won an Allure Best of Beauty Breakthrough Award in 2011. It smells absolutely delicious, is totally lightweight yet moisturizing, and provides a mild amount of retinol. Retinol results take about two weeks to see, but I have noticed that my skin is fresher and brighter looking than before. It’s been about a week that I’ve used the RoC cream.

I purchased my RoC cream at a local Walmart back home, but you can buy a bottle online at Ulta, Amazon or other sites. Compared to other retinol creams, it’s pretty affordable at $20. Plus it’ll last you a long time thanks to its size.

If you’ve used this cream or recommend another retinol product, please let me know! Xoxo

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