Sass and the City

Joyeux Noël: The Strasbourg Christmas Markets Are in Full Swing

If you’re someone whose favorite holiday is Christmas and you want to study abroad in France, Strasbourg is the ultimate place for you! Boasting the oldest—and most elaborate— Christmas market in Europe (since 1570!), this city has rightfully earned its title of “Christmas capital.” From gingerbread to ornaments, the breathtaking marché leaves every visitor like a kid on Christmas Eve. There are several different locations in the city center that host their own markets (each specializing in different things), and each year a European country is represented with its own section. This year’s country is Belgium, aka I’ll definitely treat myself to Belgian waffles and fries after my finals!

So, has my brochure-like, animated and historically accurate description enticed you to view a gallery of my own personal photographs? If you answered yes, you’re in luck! I’ve handpicked my best photos that relatively capture the magic of the markets. The sad truth is you really can’t encapsulate all of the lights, decorations and atmosphere in pictures, but I do my best in these. And if you’re yearning for high-quality shots from real professional cameras, I urge you to Google the Strasbourg Christmas markets for some hard-core FOMO. So, on y va!

Vin chaud: mulled wine, a specialty of the Alsace regionVin chaud

A selection of Christmas ornaments by a stand near the Notre Dame CathedralOrnaments

The Carré d’Or, my favorite street during this time  Carré d'Or

If you squint you can see the cathedral in the backgroundLights, lights and more lights!

Place Kléber, the main plaza in StrasbourgPlace Kléber

The Carré d’Or again!Le carré d'Or encore Le carré d'Or

A beautiful little stand by the cathedralMarkets by the Cathedral

Gingerbread in every shape and formGingerbread galore

These delicious chocolate-covered mousse popsChocolate covered vanilla mousse Here it is!

Posing with my vin chaud near the cathedralNear the Cathedral

Who needs Rockefeller when you’ve got the Place Kléber Christmas tree?Place Kléber Tree

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